Shuttle Bus Info


08:40 a.m., August 21, 2020

High Speed Railway Station (HSR Zuoying Station) → National University of Kaohsiung (Venue of ICKII 2020)

Please send us an email for the shuttle bus, we will save a seat for you.

Note: Please wait at the Starbucks of Zuoying Station. A conference staff will guide you to the shuttle bus.

8/21 早上有接駁車,請需要搭乘的來賓寫信告知我們。



Kaohsiung City Tour


13:30–16:30 p.m., August 21, 2020

We arrange a city tour for our honorable guests that join ICKII 2020. The destination will be one of Kaohsiung’s famous tourist spots, Ciaotou Sugar Refinery, owned by Taiwan Sugar Corp. A tour guide will be with us to dig into Taiwan’s sugar culture. Send us an email to sign up for the city tour, seats are limited.

Note: Oral presentation and Poster presentation will start from 13:00–17:00 p.m. on August 21, 2020

Ciaotou Sugar Refinery Introduction

8/21 下午會安排city tour, 13:30–16:30 至橋頭糖廠,會安排專人導覽。


※City Tour 與下午論文口頭及海報發表同時段,請論文發表者留意。
